Your marketing agency’s job is to boost your online presence while you focus on running the other aspects of your business. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day and assume your marketing agency will handle everything without any input from you. However, if you go completely hands-off, it’s likely they won’t have the resources they need to get you the best results possible. Simple efforts such as taking photos and videos of your projects and joining them on review calls to go over high-level numbers will significantly assist your marketing agency in growing your business. Let's dive into the 4 top things you should be doing to ensure your business gets the best marketing results possible.

1. Provide Media

A person using a phone to take a photo.

An important responsibility that a marketing agency holds is to accurately reflect your company's culture and services on your website and social media accounts so you can successfully grow your business. One of the best things you can do to help them do this is to provide them with authentic photos and videos of your company, its culture, and the services that you provide. A 2-4 minute video is an easy way to generate signals that are great for your SEO and will also help a potential customer resonate with your brand and can be used for a variety of marketing efforts. Photos don't have to be perfect. Your authenticity is going to shine with your regular iPhone or Android.

If you do not send media to your marketing agency, they will use stock images. You might be tempted to let them do this because it means less work for you. However, stock images are not authentic and don't show a potential customer who you are as a company. A marketing agency can't manufacture your culture. If a client goes to your website and sees a photo they've seen before on the internet or used by one of your competitors, they might sense the inauthenticity.

2. Provide Data & Access to Your CRM

Just as important as using media for brand awareness, a big task that a marketing agency takes over for your company is identifying sales opportunities. Ensuring your marketing agency has access to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system provides them with client lists that they can store for marketing campaigns. They won't be able to find that information unless they have access to the data. Data drives the bus and, without the data, marketing agencies don't know where to drive next.

3. Be Engaged with the Agency

If you're looking to be completely hands-off with your marketing agency, you should know that you’ll shoot your marketing results in the foot. Many digital marketing agencies schedule recurring review calls to check in with you and provide important numbers that you should be aware of. This is often the time that they will let you know of any resources they need to do their job better. You need to be present and prioritize these calls with your marketing team if you want them to be as successful as possible.

Here’s the good news: You don't have to be the one in these meetings. You can delegate these review calls to other trusted members of your team. This gives your marketing agency the communication they need without taking time out of your busy day! It's a win-win!

Recurring review calls with your agency are extremely important for your business's seamless success!

4. Communicate Your Expectations

What results are you looking for when it comes to your marketing? What numbers do you want to see? What kind of leads do you want to be generating? What cities/towns do you want to target the most? This is all information that your marketing agency won’t know unless you tell them. They’ll generate results regardless, but wouldn’t it be ideal if they could tailor their campaigns and tactics to generate the exact results you’re looking for?

Communicating your expectations also gives your marketing agency an opportunity to teach you what they’re seeing in your industry and with the competitors in your area. This might help you set more realistic expectations or maybe even shoot for higher goals!

Partner with an agency with proven results. Give Lawnline Marketing a call!

Actively doing these 4 things will allow your marketing agency to generate the best leads and foster business growth. Tailoring their approach to align with your expectations is key for optimal outcomes. Running a successful business requires a lot of time and dedication, which is why working with the right digital marketing agency is important.

If you're ready to work with an agency proven to deliver measurable results, then you need to contact the team at Lawnline Marketing. Call (813) 944-3400 to schedule a free consultation!